Why shouldnt it be possible to make a change with every single bike ride?

Team Embrace The World is a federation of ambitious amateur cyclists from Germany. Established in 2015, we participate on national and international races. During their careers, our young team riders already partially gained experiences in professional cycling. In the upcoming season we want to achieve our goals with an harmoniously structured team. All participants are passionate about cycling and love to travel to foreign countries and cultures.

It`s our unique nature that provides the environment in which we live our sport. In order to pay something back, we think it`s essential to collect donations all over the year. We`re convinced that every single bike ride could make a little change. Our charity project tries to collect donations for every single kilometer that we ride. Therefore all riders are connected to our homepage via GPS, where a GPS connected counter shows all driven kilometers. The collection method, makes it possible to give our donators an overview of their commitment.

Adrian Callies
Sandra Geyer
Julius Meyer
Nicole Suter
Leo Charrois
Marie Lagershausen
Silas Graf
Julius Baier
Janine Schneider
Mario Boll
Noelle Ingold
Heiko Homrighausen
Amelie Zimmermann
Peter Schermann
Clemens Averdung
Katharina Becker
Björn Tränckner
Annika Schelb
Christopher Hatz
Marcel Peschges

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